Ragazze sapevate che Lady Gaga vestirà
Armani nel suo tour?
Il 27 aprile parte dall'Asia il “Born
This Way Ball” tour di Lady Gaga con costumi disegnati da Giorgio
Armani, in esclusiva per lei.
« Collaborare con Lady Gaga è per me
ogni volta un'esperienza nuova. Mi piace la sua capacità di usare la
moda come elemento scenico per costruire il suo personaggio. E'
un'artista di talento e della grande intelligenza: creare costumi di
scena per lei è un esercizio creativo davvero stimolante » dice
Giorgio Armani, che ha collaborato con la popstar già in passato.
Ecco gli sketchers dei quattro outfit
dal design e materiali estremi, completi di accessori.
Girls, did you know that Lady Gaga will wear Armani in her tour?
On April 27 the part of Asia "Born This Way Ball 'tour with Lady Gaga costumes designed by Giorgio Armani, exclusively for you.
"Collaborating with Lady Gaga is a new experience for me every time. I like his ability to use fashion as a scenic element to build his character. And 'an artist of great talent and intelligence to create costumes for her is a creative exercise truly inspiring, "said Giorgio Armani, who has collaborated with the pop star in the past.
Here are the four outfits sketchers design details and materials, complete with accessories.
"Collaborating with Lady Gaga is a new experience for me every time. I like his ability to use fashion as a scenic element to build his character. And 'an artist of great talent and intelligence to create costumes for her is a creative exercise truly inspiring, "said Giorgio Armani, who has collaborated with the pop star in the past.
Here are the four outfits sketchers design details and materials, complete with accessories.
xoxo AngelaMia